

发布日期:2021-08-24    浏览次数:


洪艳梅,博士,太阳集团见好就收9728副教授,硕士生导师。主要研究领域为图论及其应用,组合最优化。主要包括结构图论,图算法,优化方面的理论和应用研究。主持并参与国家自然科学基金项目多项;在Journal of Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics 等SCI学术期刊上发表学术论文30多篇。曾在美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech)进行联合培养博士和学术访问一年半,合作导师郁星星教授。


2015.08 - 至今,    我校,副教授

2018.01 - 2018.07,美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech), 访问学者

2012.07 - 2015.07, 我校数学与计算机科学学院,讲师

2010.08 - 2011.09,美国佐治亚理工学院 (Georgia Tech ), 联合培养博士

2009.09-2012.06, 上海大学,理学院数学系,获博士学位

2006.09-2009.06, 新疆大学, 数学与系统科学学院,获硕士学位

2000.09 - 2004.06,新疆师范大学,数学与系统科学学院,获学士学位

主讲课程: 图论及其应用,图算法,组合最优化,高等数学,线性代数等。


l2018年,“Non-separating cycles avoiding specific vertices” 获 “十三届福建省自然科学优秀论文”一等奖.



l国家自然科学基金面上项目,11871015,两类与嵌入树相关的猜想的研究,2018.9-2022.12,62万, 参与

l国家自然科学基金面上项目,11671087, 图与超图若干划分问题的研究, 2017.01 - 2020.12, 57.2万,参与

l福建省自然科学基金,2018J01665, 可去子图及相关问题研究  2018.04 -- 2021.03, 5万,主持

l国家自然科学基金青年项目,11401103,有向超欧拉图及相关问题研究  2015.01-2017.12 ,22万,主持

l国家自然科学基金天元基金项, 11326214,有向超欧拉图的度条件及相关问题研究  2014.01-2014.12,3万,主持


lYanmei Hong , Qinghai Liu , Changhong Lu , Qingjie Ye, Connectivity keeping caterpillars and spiders in 2-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics , 344 (2021) 112236. (SCI)

lYanmei Hong , Qinghai Liu , Nannan YuEdge decomposition of connected claw-free cubic graphsDiscrete Applied Mathematics , 284 (2020) 246-250. (SCI)

lLiu, Yanmei Hong, The reliability of lexicographic product digraohs, Applied Mathematics and computation. 358(2019), 449-454. (SCI)

lShengjin Ji,Yanmei Hong, Mengmeng Liu, The Lower Bound of Revised Szeged Index with Respect to Tricyclic Graphs, MATCH- communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry, 79 (2018)3:757-778. (SCI)

lYanmei Hong, Qinghai Liu, Hong-Jian Lai, Characterization of Digraphic Sequences with Strongly Connected Realizations, Journal of Graph Theory, 84 (2017) 2:191-201 (SCI)

lYanmei Hong, Qinghai Liu, Degree sequence for k-arc strongly connected multiple digraphs, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , 2017(1) (SCI)

lYanmei Hong, Xiaofeng Gu, Hong-Jian Lai, Qinghai Liu, Fractional spanning tree packing, forest covering and eigenvalues, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 213 (2016) 219–223 (SCI)

lYanmei Hong, Qinghai Liu, Hong-Jian Lai, Ore-type degree condition of supereulerian digraphs, Discrete Mathematics , 339 (2016) 8:2042-2050 (SCI)

lYanmei Hong, Realizability of Fault-Tolerant Graphs, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 39 (2016) 2:619-63 (SCI) bulletin

lYanmei Hong*, Liying Kang and Xingxing Yu, Non-separating cycles avoiding specific vertices, Journal of Graph Theory, 1 80(2015): 253–267. (SCI)

lFanGenghua,YanmeiHong*, and QinghaiLiu, Ore’s condition for completely independent spanning trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics,177(2014) 95-100. (SCI)

lYanmeiHong*,Hongjian Lai and QinghaiLiu, Supereulerian digraphs, Discrete Mathematics, 330(2014) 87-95. (SCI)

lQinghaiLiu,YanmeiHong* and HongjianLai, Edge-disjoint spanning trees andeigenvalue, Linear Algebra and itsApplications, 458 (2014) 108-133. (SCI)

lQinghaiLiu,YanmeiHong*, XiaofengGu, Hong-JianLai,Noteon edge-disjoint spanning trees and eigenvalues,Linear Algebra and its Applications, 444 (2014) 146-151. (SCI)

lYanmeiHong* and Hongjian Lai, Non-separating subgraphs, Discrete Mathematics, 313 (4) 391-396, 2013. (SCI)

lQinghaiLiu, Zhao Zhang,YanmeiHong*, WeiliWu and DingzhuDu, A PTAS for weak minimum routing cost connected dominating set of unit disk graph, Optimization, Simulation, and Control,Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Springer Science+Business Media New York, 2013. Book

lYanmeiHong* andLiying Kang, Backup 2-center on interval graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, 445 (3) 25-35, 2012. (SCI)

lYanmeiHong*, Jixiang Meng and Zhao Zhang, Edge fault tolerance of super edge connectivity of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160(4) 579-587, 2012. (SCI)

lYanmeiHong* and Zhao Zhang, Vertex fault tolerance of optimal-κ graphs and super-λ graphs, Information ProcessingLetters, 109(20) 1151-1155, 2009. (SCI)

lQinghai Liu,YanmeiHong* and Zhao Zhang, Minimally 3-restricted edge connected graphs . Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(4) 685-690, 2009. (SCI)

lYanmeiHong*, Zhao Zhang and QinghaiLiu, Edges of degree k in minimally restricted k-edge connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 309(13) 4448-4455, 2009. (SCI)

lYanmeiHong*, QinghaiLiu and Zhao Zhang, Minimally restricted edge connected graphs. Applied Mathematics Letter. 21(8) 820-823, 2008. (SCI)


